With more and more professional Australian singers seeking, and finding, work overseas, it can be difficult for them to take up the opportunities offered by competitions like the Opera Awards. In recognition of this new reality, this year, for the first time, the Opera Awards will be accepting digital entries.
All entrants will be required to enter via our new platform on Accept’d (https://getacceptd.com/mostlyopera) and will need to upload four (4) video recordings and other required documentation by 23 September 2019. The entries will be assessed by the Adjudication Panel who will choose eight (8) Finalists to be invited to a live audition on Monday 25 November in Melbourne.

We hope that this new approach will allow more singers from around Australia and across the world to enter this exciting competition.

For more information, please see: https://operawards.org/how-to-enter/

Good luck!